Volunteer Opportunities

Victoria Hospital makes every effort to match your interests and abilities with the needs of Victoria Hospital programs. While we offer shifts 7 days a week, morning, afternoon and evening; our greatest need is for daytime hours, Monday to Friday. The following list provides a sampling of the volunteer roles at the Victoria Hospital. Availability of volunteer roles will vary.

Patient Care Programs

Many volunteers want the opportunity to assist directly in-patient care areas. We have several roles and areas that provide this opportunity including Geriatric Rehabilitation, Day Surgery, and Diagnostic Imaging to name a few. These roles are for individuals who like to be active, meet people, and who can work independently.

Non-Patient Care Programs
We have several roles that allow for someone who wants to contribute their time but not work directly with patients. These include: Wayfinder, Popcorn Day, Clinical/Admin Support, and Quality Boards.

Junior Program
The Vic offers a Junior Program for High School students ages 16 and 17. We provide a flexible schedule that includes evenings and weekends. Our Junior volunteers provide support in in Non-Patient Care areas until they turn 18, this may include the Gift Shop, Admin support, Popcorn Days, and Wayfinding.