Day Surgery / Endoscopic Procedures

The Victoria Hospital Surgery Program provides the most up to date care in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible. Through the use of innovative technology, the Vic performs most of the surgical procedures on a day surgery basis, allowing patients to stay in their homes longer, return home sooner, return to work and their usual activities of daily living quicker.

Day Surgery and Short Stay on Units

The Hospital’s Day Surgery Unit prepare patients for surgery, scopes, local procedures, and recover them in the same are prior to going home. For patients having day surgery, and discharged home, they must have someone stay with them for 24 hours after surgery, and they also must have a responsible adult escort them home.

Short Stay is when patients need to be admitted for up to 23 hours. This unit is located on the main floor by the Day Surgery area.

Discharge time is 6:00 a.m. and patients requiring 24 hour or above surgical stay will be done at another surgical hospital.

Please click here for information regarding the Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic (PAC) & Surgery at the VGH.

WRHA Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program

The WRHA Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program was established in April 2012 at the Victoria Hospital (Centre for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery). The program is open to adults who live in Manitoba who meet all eligibility criteria. Our team is made up of surgeons, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, and exercise specialists that work very closely with patients that are accepted into the program.

Bariatric surgery is a tool to help with weight loss and improved health; it is not an instant fix. It is very important that patients in the program remain focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. Success is an ongoing effort and commitment.

A referral to the program is required by a family physician, primary care provider or specialist. Accepted individuals are invited to attend an information seminar that outlines the behavior changes and commitment needed. Individual and group appointments with all team members are provided both before and after surgery on a regular basis to support long term success. The waiting list is long. It may take several years from being referred to being invited to the clinic.

Please click here for WRHA Bariatric website: