Day Surgery / Endoscopic Procedures

Through the use of innovative technology, the VGH performs mostly of its surgical procedures on a day surgery basis, allowing patients to stay in their homes longer and return home sooner, and return to work and their usual activities of daily living quicker.

The Hospital’s same Day Surgery department, patients for surgery, scopes, local procedures and to recover them prior to going home. For patients having day surgery, they must have someone stay with them for 24 hours after surgery, and they also must have a responsible adult escort them home.

When it is decided by the surgeon that a patient should stay in the hospital following their surgery, patients are admitted to the short stay unit on the main floor for up to 23 hours.

Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic

A large number of patients coming to the Victoria Hospital for surgery need to be seen in the Pre-Operative Assessment Clinic (PAC), which is located on the lower level of the hospital. Patients are informed when it is necessary for them to come to PAC for an assessment appointment. Depending on the health needs of the patient and the surgery being performed it will be determined which of the following will be required:

  • An Assessment Nurse will interview you and provide you with information regarding your surgery.
  • An Anesthetist or an Anesthetic Nurse may also see you. They will assess your health status and provide you with information about your anesthetic plan.