Volunteer Guild

The Volunteer Guild of Victoria Hospital Inc. is a registered charity which raises money to enhance patient care and services.

Each year, the Volunteer Guild provides financial support for a variety of healthcare services and equipment. This money is raised by volunteers through the Gift Shop and other special events such as raffles and book sales. Over the past 50 years, the Guild has donated more than $5 million to the hospital.

The Board of the Guild, which administers these donations, is made up of elected volunteers. Many take on Board and committee duties in addition to actively volunteering in the hospital. All adult volunteers are automatically members of the Guild which means they can vote at the annual general meeting and be elected to Board positions.

Examples of recent projects partially or fully funded by the Guild

  • Specialized physiotherapy equipment for Geriatric Rehabilitation patients
  • Staxi Medical Chairs for use by patients
  • Pembina Highway digital hospital sign
  • 30 sets of patient furnishings on 4th floor of the hospital
  • Senior-friendly phones for patients throughout the hospital
  • Miracle Garden located at the front of the hospital

The Clothes Closet

Since April of 2021, the Volunteer Guild has partnered with the hospital on a program called The Clothes Closet. This initiative assists patients with clothing, toiletries and related items.

There is a need for the program as the hospital serves many patients who are under-resourced or otherwise disadvantaged. Some are admitted with no personal belongings and have no family or other supports who can provide them with clothing and other items. 

Being able to give patients clothing and toiletries ensures that they can receive treatment, as well as leave the hospital, safely and with dignity.

Clothing drives are done within the hospital community. However, some items as well as toiletries items have to be purchased or obtained as donations. We are grateful to local businesses who continue to assist us with donations or special pricing

Follow Us On Social Media

Follow us on social media for Guild news, volunteer highlights, updates on our hospital donations, and messages from the Gift Shop. We can be found on Facebook and Instagram @theVicGiftShop



  • Guild Board meetings are held virtually September to June on the third Monday of the month.
  • June: The Volunteer Guild Annual General Meeting is held virtually.

Gift Shop

Be sure to visit our bright well-stocked Gift Shop located near the front entrance of the hospital. You’ll feel good knowing that all proceeds from the Gift Shop are used to enhance patient care and services.

The Gift Shop carries a wide selection of merchandise at great prices:

  • Fresh flowers
  • Cold drinks and snacks
  • Toiletries
  • Greeting cards
  • Plush toys including Beanie Babies, Boos and Classics
  • Lug bags and accessories
  • Women’s clothing, accessories, and jewellery, including many Fair Trade items
  • Used pocket books

Hours of Operation:

While the Gift Shop is usually open Monday to Friday, hours of operation may vary. Curbside pick-up is available. Please email [email protected] to place your order or for more information.

Prize-of-the-month raffle tickets are available in the Gift Shop with all proceeds used to enhance patient care.

To Make a Donation

Please visit us at vicguild.ca if you would like to make a donation in support of Guild projects, including a scholarship program for volunteers and staff.

Follow the Gift Shop on Social Media

Follow the Gift Shop on social media for gift-giving tips, advance notice of upcoming sales, and announcement of new merchandise. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram @theVicGiftShop.

To learn more about the Guild, visit us at vicguild.ca.