
Sun- Sat 0730-1930 (On Call: 1930-0730)

Pharmacy services are delivered by highly qualified staff including Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians & Pharmacy Assistants.

The pharmacist’s works directly in the patient care areas and is an active member of the health care interprofessional team working together to optimize the care of the patient. The pharmacist will monitor the use of medication, address any actual or potential drug related problems and provides drug information and education to the healthcare team.

The pharmacist has a positive influence on the patients “transition” from and to the home, enhancing their safety, their experience throughout their stay, reducing readmissions through improved patient knowledge and compliance to their medications. The pharmacist participates in clarifying or reconciling medications at admission, transfer and at discharge and will provide guidance where special considerations are required to enhance patient knowledge of their medication and compliance.

Pharmacy technicians and assistants oversee the distribution of medication to patient care areas. High functioning technology systems provide an up to date environment of systems that ensure the delivery of medication is safe and timely.