Patient Relations Office

Our Patient / Client Relations Officer is available to meet with patients/clients and families to assist with any issues related to a patient / client and family member’s stay with us. Patient / Client Relations involves advocating for patients / clients and families. We ask that you speak to any member of the health care team, the Manager of Patient Care for your unit, and then if necessary, to our Patient / Client Relations Officer. Please see the It’s Safe to Ask poster at your bedside for contact names and phone numbers.

Patient / Client Relations Officer: 204-477-3419 or email: [email protected].

Share Your Story

Your feedback helps us to improve the care experience for all patients.   To share comments or concern with us, you can:

  • Complete the patient experience survey  found in the Patient & Family Guidebook and drop it in the box at the Security desk.
  • Complete a comment card found by the main floor elevators and drop it in the box at the Security desk.
  • Submit your comments online by completing the Tell Us Your Story feedback located at the top right side of our website.